Civitavecchia – ASL RM 4, an all new diabetology at ‘San Paolo’ in Civitavecchia
Confirming its strong commitment to the prevention and treatment of diabetes for many years, the Corporate Management will officially present to the population the new Departmental Operational Unit of Diabetology, coordinated by Dr. Graziano Santantonio, diabetologist specialist, in some brand-new rooms made out of the’former orthopedic department, which are larger and more adequate, allowing for the best possible activity of the entire staff.
The New Location, with Three Visiting Rooms and A ’ Large Waiting Room, Was Desild by the Corporate Management On The Fourth Floor of the ’ Saint Paul ’ Hospital in Civitavecchia, That is, in A quieter location that Allaws Users Greater Comfort and the necessary privacy.
The inauguration ceremony is set for Thursday, Jan. 28, at 12 noon, at the 4th floor of the San Paolo Hospital in Civitavecchia, in Largo Donatori del Sangue, with the participation of civil, religious and military authorities.
Confirmed the presence of A’A.BY.CIV, the city association that, alongside ASL RM 4, has been dealing with diabetic pathology for years, creating a strong synergy with the Health Authority on the territory.
A heartfelt and concrete synergy that over the years has produced consistent results for people with diabetes both in the field of information and prevention of possible consequent diseases .
Diabetes : when and how it can be prevented
Preventing type 2 diabetes is possible. And by aiming for this you also dramatically reduce the risk of developing hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and other risk factors. How to do it?
By acting on one’s habits.
What ‘Prevention Diabetes’ Means in concrete Terms? It is not a Matter of Changing One ’S Life Overnight But of Rediscovering Certain Pleasures and Pursuing Others Less Assiduously. One of the pleasures to be rediscovered is certain of life in the ’ Open Air and Physical Movement.
Our Bodies are made to be used.
Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Playgrounds are Certainly The ’ Ideal, But There ’ is one ‘ Sport ’ That is withhe every Everyone ’S Physical, Logistical and Economic Reach: Walking or Cycling.
Half An Hour of Brisk Walking or Blycling A Day Literally Works Wonders.
Blood Pressure Improves Almost Instantly, Blood Sugar Drops Toward Normal Levels, You Start Breathing Heavily, and Your Waistline Shrinks. The Tape Measure Airound the Waist is the best indictor for those who want to prevent diabetes.
The scale is treacherous because one of the effects of exercise is to increase muscle mass and decrease fat. The’body is much healthier but the weight drops a little.
The outdoors and physical movement are a source of joy. We mean this in a literal sense. Movement increases endorphins, the substances that our brains interpret precisely as pleasure. Of course it is necessary to find the right balance.
Doing too much means becoming fatigued and depressed.
Doing little is not enough. Small daily progress fuels increasing gratification, such as finding that the distance or speed that was prohibitive a month before is now perfectly normal.
And this is true at all ages.
Despite this, it is possible for motivation to wane over time. A winter a little longer than expected. An intercurrent illness or a busy period–when the rhythm is interrupted resuming becomes difficult.
That’s why it is important to include exercise within one’s daily routines. Walking or taking the bike to work for example. Better Still is to do these Things Together With Someone Else.
The Other Pillar in Diabetes Prevention is proper nutrition. Here, Too, The High Road is not to make any special renunciations or sacrifices. It is necessary to gradually rediscovery forgotten pleasures: a Return to Genuine Foods, to homegrown Products, Without Resorting to Prepackaged Foods or Foods of Unknown Origin; to consume in the right proportions all foods: Meat, Fish, Cheese, Pasta, Broad, Vegetables, Fruits.
And sugars? Type 2 Diabetes Does Not ‘ Come from Sugar ’. If Anything, IT Comes from Being Overweight or Obese. It is true that the person with diabetes must Greatly veteran foods ‘ Sweets ’ but to prevent it, it is more important to return the ’ Entire Calorie Load. There Should Be One Serving of Carbohydras (Pasta OR Rice, Broad, Potatoes) in Every Meal, But Only One.
Portions then should be gradually reduced.
The’only ‘absolute no’ concerns out-of-meals, snacks and sweet drinks. These should really be forgotten. If you feel hungry between meals, it means you didn’t eat enough at the previous meal.
If this varied and moderate healthy diet becomes the norm one can reduce overweight and prevent diabetes and hypertension even by indulging in a few treats from time to time.
Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, is currently not preventable. First, because people ‘at risk’of developing it (children and especially siblings of people with type 1 diabetes) represent only a minority of cases. In 95 percent of cases, type 1 diabetes appears in families where there have been no similar cases.
Second, even among people at risk so far no preventive strategy has proven effective enough.