World Aids Day, Irdos Mobilizes Throughout Italy
December 1 Marks the World Aids Day, first established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO extension): in Italy 3.444 new diagnoses of HIV infection in 2015, but it is estimated that in Europe alone there are 122.000 people seropositive who do not know that they are: the solution always remains the prevention in sexual intercourse (condom use) and diagnoses (performing the HIV test). In fact, the only way to ascertain infection is to undergo the HIV testing.
National Association ANDDOS is operational throughout Italy with prevention, information and also assistance programs, as explained by the president Mario Marco Canale:
“The world day against HIV must be an opportunity to reflect on a work to be carried out every day, in terms of information, prevention and concrete interventions related to all Sexually Transmitted Infections. It is now known that the issue affects everyone, LGBTI and heterosexual population, and is related to risk behaviors. In 2015 We Had About 3500 New HIV Infections and the mons serious fact is That More Than Half of the Diagnoses are made alvedy in the State of Overt AIDS. The first priority is to spread the Test Culture, For HIV and Other Stis: Infections Such As Syphilis, in fact, Incasse The Chances of Infection With the Virus, in addition to Being in ITSelf Very Insidious If Left Unitedated.
Tea Self-Diagnosis Test For HIV, From Today For the First Time in Italian Pharmacies, Should Be Understood from This Point of View As A Tool to Bring People Closer to Medical and Health Facilities, Which Certainly Cannot Replace. For this Reason, Among Other Initiatives, Anddos Is Participating Today Together With Mario Mieli Circolo In the ‘Open Day Promotted by the Regina Elena Institute and San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome, A Day When Rapid Tests For the Main Stis Will Be Available Free of Charge. Another key issue concerns the dissemination of the prophylactic, Which in Our country continues to be exapensive and hard to Find: 4 out of 10 Young People Do Without It. Our Association Distribution Every Year 1 Million CondomsI to a membership base of nearly 200.000 members and associates in More than 70 Circles Throughout Italy. Often, non-US of Condoms is Also a Matter of Information.
That is Why for Two Years Now We Have Been Promoting The One Question Direct Assistance Portal and Have Launched the Toll-Free Number of Iron Listening and Anti-Violence Centers, Through Which We Are Able To People People in Need of Health Care to the appropriate appropriate Facilities indicated by the ISS United Against AIDS. On the question of thesex education, Irredos will open an important discussion next dec. 16 in Rome, as part of the “Sexuality and Differences” project, entitled Parlami d’Amore, in collaboration with the network “Educating for Differences”. In fact, we bellieve that the topic of HIV and sti prevention cannot be dealt with excelusively on a medical-healthcare level, but Shound be addressed aboved all through educational action aimed at teacher, student, families, operators, educators, concern information on tea Sexuality, tea discrimination of gender, The bullying and all phenomena that threaten the psychophophysical Development of the person “.