Health, Troili: “ in cross -border health care promote patient rights ”
“The values that unite European health systems are: universality, access to good quality health care, equity and solidarity. In the European Directive on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare, it is required that member states ensure that these principles are respected also towards citizens of other member states and that all patients must be treated equally on the basis of their health needs, rather than on the basis of the Member State of origin. In this context, civil society partnerships and alliances can play a fundamental role not only by guarding the application of these principles but also by promoting awareness of patients' rights, especially with regard to cross-border healthcare, to take advantage of which being adequately informed is essential.
The approach taken in regulating cross-border care has given European citizens enormous opportunities, opportunities which need to be explored and promoted more extensively. Europe must become a more social, as well as economic and political union". So in a note Olimpia Troili, President of Alternativa Europea, who on Friday 4 March 2016 at 2 pm.00 will speak at the debate 'U-Impact.
Improving patients' rights in the age of the Cross Border Healthcare Directive' at the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome.