Chiropractic and post covid-19 psychological well-being

Chiropractic and post covid-19 psychological well-being

After Covid-19 there is a risk of a wave of psychological and psychiatric pathologies. The long quarantine, loneliness and isolation, economic problems, mourning and dismemberment of families have exacerbated the difficulties of our society, affecting even that greater way that fragile part of the population that was already in difficulty. The major Italian and world scientific societies have been warning for months of the risk of a psychopathological tsunami, which will flood the already precarious national health system. What is feared is also an excessive use of drugs to deal with the emergency linked to these pathologies. To avoid this, it is possible to resort to Chiropractic.

How? The Doctor of Chiropractic Giancarlo Viano explains it.

How chiropractic affects psychological well-being?

«First of all it must be remembered that the emotional state of a person does not exist only in his mind, but also acts in the same way on the body, creating alterations of the metabolism and of the body structure: emotional tensions instantly become bodily tensions. The chiropractic acts positively on the central nervous system which is hidden inside the spine, it promotes its correct functioning and at the same time helps to reduce the tensive states at the musculoskeletal level “.

Because it is possible to avoid using drugs?

“Through the chiropractic vertebral adjustment, the vertebral segments that make up the column resume to work better and with greater freedom, the direct consequence is that this first allows to restore the normal transmission of neurological impulses that intercgle between brain and organs, in secondly, chiropractic adjustment has a regulatory effect on the nervous system. All this translates into a sensation of general well -being, of lesser tension and stress, and of reduction or disappearance of those conditions that would push the patient to use drugs to suppress the symptom “.

How it works and what is care?

«The range of action of Chiropractic is vast: all the neurological signals pass through the spine that go from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa, therefore the Chiropractic Doctor, acting in a structured and specific way, can generate positive effects both on the musculoskeletal structure , both on the metabolism and the emotional sphere».

How do you know if the chiropractic “is right for me”?

“Just contact a chiropractic doctor of the Italian Chiropractic Association by contacting the Association itself at 800 017806 or by visiting the website, and expose their questions or doubts about it. The chiropractic is however a discipline that treats patients from 0 to 100+ years and has specific protocols to deal with a wide range of problems safely, the important thing is to contact a real chiropractic doctor, and the Italian chiropractic association is the right reference “.

They can collaborate chiropractic and traditional medicine?

«It already happens, there are many chiropractic doctors that interact effectively with doctors in medicine of different specialties. Unfortunately in Italy there are very few real Chiropractic Doctors graduated according to international standards on the profession while there is a large number of various operators who say they do “chiropractic” or say they are “chiropractors” without having the aforementioned training or even with false titles of study or phantom degrees from institutions already reported in the black list of the ministry of education. This means that many doctors and health professionals have been exposed to a completely wrong vision of Chiropractic, generating real misinformation, it is therefore necessary to inform these categories as well about the figure of the Chiropractic Doctor».

How to become a Doctor of Chiropractic?

«Achieving a master’s degree from internationally accredited colleges and universities is a minimum of 5 years of compulsory attendance and full-time; in Italy this training does not yet exist, consequently all Chiropractic Doctors have graduated abroad, but the patient must be very careful: seeing a “chiropractor” with a foreign degree hanging on the wall is not a guarantee precisely because there are many false degrees or courses of study that are far from proper chiropractic training. The Italian Chiropractic Association is an absolute guarantee in this sense, as it accepts and brings together only chiropractic doctors with the correct training, to guarantee safety and professionalism “.

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